EXPO TV and Tryology
I wrote about the program I am participating in with my previous blog post. So far, the new Nutro food lives up to my high expectations for the product. I hope to make my video in the next week. One of the requirements of the video is that I show my dog eating the product. My pup loves the food, and has enjoyed being involved in the sample.
The problem I run into with Nutro food (not really a problem) is that the higher quality foods require less than the lower quality foods. I noticed when I switched to Nutro food that I actually fed Bronco 1/2 as much food as a previous brand. This helps decrease the amount of food I buy, and I notice I am cleaning up less waste which is an even better benefit. I am so excited to be involved in this sample. Do look into EXPO TV and their Tryology Program.
Sign up For Expo and the Tryology Program
Bzz Agent
I am in my first Campaign for Smaterer. There is more information on this program in a blog post below. I have hear A LOT of great things from people that are involved in Bzz Campaigns. They really enjoy being part of a sampling group and letting others know of their experiences. I am excited to be part of this campaign, and I have enjoyed spreading the word about Smarterer.
Take these tests and share your badges so your readers can see your blogging skills:
- Blogger test
- Facebook test
- Flickr test
- Twitter test
- WordPress test
- Tumblr Test
- And many more!
We all like to play games online, and the Smarterer site has quizzes to test how much we really know about a subject. When you receive a high score, you get to show it off! Give Smarterer a try and see just how smart you really are!
Smarterer is a platform designed to score individuals on digital, social, and technical skills. Using crowdsourced test design and a scoring mechanism similar to the one developed to rank chess masters, in just 10 questions and 60 seconds we can give you a valid score.
When you take a Smarterer test you can get a score on your skills in areas like:
- Blogging tools like Blogger, Tumblr, and WordPress
- Browser systems such as Firefox, Google Chrome, and Internet Explorer
- Games like Angry Birds and World of Warcraft
- Social Media tools like Facebook, Flickr, Google+, Twitter, and YouTube
- And how much of a Baller you are. Serioulsy!
Click below:

I joined Crowdtap in September of 2011, and have made almost $200 just by sharing my opinions on products and services. In December, I was sent the new ABBA Wii game to test out with friends, and just loved being part of the discussion.
I really enjoy being creative and giving my ideas on ways to promote products. Crowdtap has recently come out of the Beta phase and has been gearing up for some really exciting programs. If you enjoy writing and giving your opinion, this site is a must! Warning though, once you sign up it is easy to forsake food and sleep in order to be part of the discussions. Get ready to make some new friends and feel like something special. Yes I do get credit for your joining, but it is great to spread the news! Thanks for joining through my referral link.

Join Crowdtap
Well those are my updates for the day. I hope to get more involved in Smiley360, and will post my opinions of that site after I have actually participated in something there! Thanks for reading and have a great day!
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